The Next Epoch Seed Library is in the process of developing curricular resources aimed at a range of learners who want to find ways to engage more deeply with plants and urban ecology.

We started with a series of experiential exercises involving movement, language, and storytelling, which you can download below (Activities 1-3). We are also developing more in depth curriculum series to complement our Deep Time Seed Burial and Lawn (Re)Disturbance Laboratory projects. Completed lesson plans are linked below in their own sections. All materials are licensed Non-Commercial/Attribution/ShareAlike, which means you are free to alter, reproduce and share them as long as you credit us as the original source and make them freely accessible yourself. Comments or feedback? Get in touch! info (at) nextepochseedlibrary (dot) come

Stand Alone Exercises and Activities:

  1. Plant Migration Exercise
  2. Plants, Identity, Memory: A Language Exercise
  3. Rooting Exercise: Indoor Version, Outdoor Version
  4. Seed Dispersal Icebreaker
  5. Equinox Herbarium Collection (originally developed for NATURELab at the Sanctuary for Independent Media)

Deep Time Seed Burial Curriculum Series

  1. Deep Time Seed Futures – Time Capsules (view photos)
  2. Seed Dormancy Exercise
  3. Coming soon: Seed Collecting
  4. Coming soon: Fieldwork with iNaturalist

Lawn (Re)Disturbance Laboratory Curriculum Series:

  1. Coming Soon: Choosing a Lawn Lab Site
  2. PVC Pyramid Instructions
  3. Plot Establishment Instructions
  4. Coming Soon: Soil Seedbank Testing
  5. Coming Soon: Fieldwork with iNaturalist (some basic tips here!)
Documentation from the experimental workshop “Problem Plants: Loaded Language for Talking about Weeds”, at the Cabin Collective Residency, Spring 2017.
Documentation from “Seed Structure and Mobility: A Sensorial Walk in the Woods”, including an iteration of the Plant Mobility Exercise facilitated by Anne, at Cabin Collective Residency, Spring 2017.
Equinox Herbarium Collection Workshop at NATURELab at the Sanctuary for Independent Media, Troy, NY